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The Relationship Between DWI Arrests and Drug and Alcohol Related Vehicle Collisions

Posted on:2016-06-29Degree:M.C.JType:Thesis
University:Tennessee State UniversityCandidate:French, James EFull Text:PDF
Impaired driving is a phenomenon that results in the death and injury of thousands of people and costs society billions of dollars each year. This study explores the relationship between DWI arrests and DAMVCs as they occurred in 2013 in a mid-size southern city. Data created by local law enforcement during the investigation of DAMVCs and the arrest of DWI offenders is analyzed. Bivariate Correlation was used to test for the existence of significant relationships between the variables. The results show a strong correlation between crashes and DWI arrests, but could not establish the existence of any statistically significant relationships. Furthermore, the results suggested that, in a few situations, DWI arrests were not made subsequent to a DAMVC wherein an officer reported that the driver had consumed drugs or alcohol prior to the crash. The findings are expected to provide useful insight in to DWI suppression operations conducted by local law enforcement, as well as establish a base line for future study.
Keywords/Search Tags:DWI
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