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State laws and county level drug activity

Posted on:2015-05-08Degree:M.P.PType:Thesis
University:Georgetown UniversityCandidate:Parker, Matthew PFull Text:PDF
This research looks on the relationship that exists between county level drug activity and the laws that exist regarding drug use in the state, specifically medicinal marijuana laws and three strikes laws. This builds upon previous research regarding the interaction between laws and criminal activity and the extent of the effectiveness of laws with regards to reducing crime. The findings from this paper, from statistical analysis and regressions, lend evidence to support the previous findings of a marginal effect on the levels of crime. Additionally, there is evidence that states with stricter drug laws have greater enforcement of criminal activities, regardless of the type of crime and relevance under these laws. A secondary finding is that medicinal marijuana laws do not signal a more relaxed environment conducive to the proliferation of greater societal ills. With the findings of this paper, potential future avenues for policy implementation are suggested, and further paths for study are opened, particularly as attitudes and laws surrounding drug use change in the United States.
Keywords/Search Tags:County level drug activity, Medicinal marijuana laws
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