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Prevalence of carotid atheroma and its confounders on cone beam computed tomography

Posted on:2015-08-13Degree:M.SType:Thesis
University:The University of North Carolina at Chapel HillCandidate:Syed, Ali ZFull Text:PDF
GTID:2474390017490059Subject:Health Sciences
Purpose: To report the prevalence of calcified carotid atheromas that are seen in CBCT scans and to compare carotid atheroma calcifications with other calcifications that are noted in the neck region and to determine if there is any correlation between these calcifications.;Methods: 636 scans were reviewed out of which 380 CBCT scans met the inclusion and exclusion criteria. The findings were grouped into carotid atheroma calcification, ossification of stylohyoid ligament, triticeous cartilage, tonsillolith, sialolith, calcification of superior cornu of thyroid and calcified lymph node.;Results: The most prevalent finding was OSHC followed by TC. Superior cornu of thyroid and triticeous calcifications were found more frequently in female patients. However, no correlation was determined between the different calcifications.;Conclusions: CAC calcifications increased with the age. Hence, the providers should be vigilant for the presence of CACs when evaluating CBCT scans especially for older patients.
Keywords/Search Tags:CBCT scans, Carotid atheroma
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