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Sick Notes: The Story Inside the Illness Memoir Meets Case Stud

Posted on:2019-01-10Degree:M.A.L.SType:Thesis
University:Dartmouth CollegeCandidate:Millios, Amy NFull Text:PDF
GTID:2474390017487491Subject:Creative writing
In 2012, I was diagnosed with an autoimmune/auto-inflammatory form of arthritis called ankylosing spondylitis. I had been sick for close to 12 years, but because blood work and other testing didn't reveal any sort of disease process, I was passed from one doctor to the next, told that my symptoms were emotional in nature and related to the depression I struggled with since childhood. Within two months of my diagnosis, I was unable to work and this prompted me to reflect on how I became sick. This thesis explores this question from two perspectives: medicine and memoir. The first considers research on adverse childhood experiences and how they contribute to illness in adulthood. From the second, I present and consider numerous events from my childhood and growing up, reflecting on my experience as a patient and providing glimpses into the daily realities of my illness. Lastly, I include a lexicon of words and definitions which draw attention to, as well as name, all that was un-nameable and unsaid as I was growing up. The end result is a self - case study which explores the many shades of invisibility and silence.
Keywords/Search Tags:Sick, Illness
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