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Hormonal regulation of glycogenolysis in the insect nerve cord

Posted on:1968-01-05Degree:M.ScType:Thesis
University:The University of Western Ontario (Canada)Candidate:Hart, Donald EdwardFull Text:PDF
The mode of action of the hyperglycemic factor from the corpus cardiacum was studied in the nerve cord of the cockroach, Periplaneta americana , using in vivo and in vitro techniques. The corpus cardiacum factor stimulated glycogenolysis in vivo in the nerve cord, and the products of glycogenolysis in vitro were trehalose and glucose. An attempt was made to demonstrate chromatographically the presence of the trehalose synthesizing mechanism in extracts of nerve cord. Evidence strongly suggested that the nerve cord was capable of synthesizing trehalose. The effects of various agents on phosphorylase activation in the nerve cord were studied. Phosphorylase was activated by cardiacum extracts, by cyclic 3', 5'-AMP, and by caffeine. Epinephrine had no effect, and 5-HT was inhibitory. The results of the work were discussed.
Keywords/Search Tags:Nerve cord, Glycogenolysis
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