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Factors Associated with Intent to Practice Conventional or Organic Farming among Students Majoring in Agricultur

Posted on:2019-04-07Degree:M.SType:Thesis
University:D'Youville CollegeCandidate:Perry, Brittany LFull Text:PDF
The organic food market is one of the fastest growing food markets in United States agriculture. The increase in demand for organic products may alter the demand for nonorganic products, exposing a need for employees who are knowledgeable in both organic and conventional methods. The purpose of this study was to examine agriculture students' career choice related to their intent to practice organic or conventional farming upon graduation. Additionally, associations between their career choice and any external influences (such as college program curricula, income potential, family history/influence, prior experience, FFA or 4-H programs) and self-efficacy were studied. A researcher constructed survey was administered to students (n = 27) to measure personal career goals related to intent to practice organic or conventional agriculture, self-efficacy, and external factors related to student career choice. Data were analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistics. Results found that the majority of participants (n = 14, 52%) intend to practice conventional agriculture after graduation. The participants career choices were most associated with prior experience in that type of agriculture (n = 20). Sixty-three percent (n = 17) of participants had a mean score indicating a strong self-efficacy. A one-way ANOVA revealed significant results (p ≤ 0.05) indicating that there is an association between the participants self-efficacy and their career choice. Food and nutrition experts should be aware of food trends and the availability of educated and qualified employees to better inform and educate clients and patients.
Keywords/Search Tags:Organic, Food, Conventional, Practice, Agriculture, Career choice, Intent
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