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The biosynthetic pathway of kainoids

Posted on:1995-04-17Degree:Ph.DType:Thesis
University:Dalhousie University (Canada)Candidate:Ramsey, Una PatriciaFull Text:PDF
omoic acid and kainic acid are neurotoxic amino acids that belong to a group of compounds called the kainoids. The pathway of domoic acid biosynthesis was investigated in the photosynthetic single-celled plankton or diatom Pseudonitzschia pungens f. multiseries using both ;The Palmaria palmata mutant GM, a known producer of kainic acid, was examined for possible intermediates of kainic acid biosynthesis. An unknown secondary amino acid was isolated and identified as 1;Two protein prenylation inhibitors, gliotoxin and (+)-limonene did not inhibit domoic acid biosynthesis in P. pungens f. multiseries. (+)-Limonene at a final concentration of 0.5...
Keywords/Search Tags:Acid
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