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Ripple Droop Control: Control of Distributed Storage Devices with Droop Control using AC Voltage Injection

Posted on:2015-05-07Degree:Ph.DType:Thesis
University:North Carolina State UniversityCandidate:Fregosi, Daniel JesseFull Text:PDF
This work is concerned with the control of distributed devices on the power distribution system using a power-line signal injection technique. We propose a method to control power transfer in a plug-and-play manner from distributed energy storage devices such as plug-in electric vehicles without the use of external communications. Ripple voltage injection has been used to control distributed loads to implement demand response. We propose a novel technique to improve ripple control by utilizing power-frequency droop on the injected signal to control the power flow of distributed storage devices. Droop enables an arbitrary number of distributed devices to communicate bi-directionally with a defined response time to achieve power sharing. By controlling distributed storage through ripple control, communication systems on the grid are freed to perform other functions. This thesis is an effort to demonstrate the feasibility of the proposed method and to identify the potential issues and propose appropriate solutions for ripple droop control.
Keywords/Search Tags:Distributed, Droop control, Ripple, Devices, Power
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