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Solar Heating for a Cooler Planet: A Case Study Analysis of and Lessons Learned from Policies in Austria and South Africa

Posted on:2015-10-01Degree:M.AType:Thesis
University:Tufts UniversityCandidate:Peterson, CameronFull Text:PDF
GTID:2472390017998537Subject:Alternative Energy
In the era of climate change, deployment of renewable energy will play an essential role in efforts to advance mitigation and sustainable development. This thesis focuses on solar heating as an end-use technology that can sustainably provide energy services and help to shift market dynamics. The developed nation of Austria and the carbon-intensive emerging economy of South Africa offer an interesting dichotomy as case studies in this exploration. Solar heating policies are studied through a low-carbon energy technology innovation system (ETIS) framework, from which lessons learned and recommendations are derived. Both countries are found to possess a mix of effective policies and gaps in their solar heating subsystems (SHS). This research contends that holistic policies and programs must be instituted on both the technology-push and demand-pull sides of an SHS, from RD&D funding and supply chain support to building sector regulations and long-term, upfront market incentives.
Keywords/Search Tags:Solar heating, Policies
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