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Development of an aeroelastic methodology for surface morphing rotors

Posted on:2015-12-25Degree:Ph.DType:Thesis
University:Georgia Institute of TechnologyCandidate:Cook, James RFull Text:PDF
Helicopter performance capabilities are limited by maximum lift characteristics and vibratory loading. In high speed forward flight, dynamic stall and transonic flow greatly increase the amplitude of vibratory loads. Experiments and computational simulations alike have indicated that a variety of active rotor control devices are capable of reducing vibratory loads. For example, periodic blade twist and flap excitation have been optimized to reduce vibratory loads in various rotors. Airfoil geometry can also be modified in order to increase lift coefficient, delay stall, or weaken transonic effects.;To explore the potential benefits of active controls, computational methods are being developed for aeroelastic rotor evaluation, including coupling between computational fluid dynamics (CFD) and computational structural dynamics (CSD) solvers. In many contemporary CFD/CSD coupling methods it is assumed that the airfoil is rigid to reduce the interface by single dimension.;Some methods retain the conventional one-dimensional beam model while prescribing an airfoil shape to simulate active chord deformation. However, to simulate the actual response of a compliant airfoil it is necessary to include deformations that originate not only from control devices (such as piezoelectric actuators), but also inertial forces, elastic stresses, and aerodynamic pressures. An accurate representation of the physics requires an interaction with a more complete representation of loads and geometry. A CFD/CSD coupling methodology capable of communicating three-dimensional structural deformations and a distribution of aerodynamic forces over the wetted blade surface has not yet been developed.;In this research an interface is created within the Fully Unstructured Navier-Stokes (FUN3D) solver that communicates aerodynamic forces on the blade surface to University of Michigan's Nonlinear Active Beam Solver (UM/NLABS -- referred to as NLABS in this thesis). Interface routines are developed for transmission of force and deflection information to achieve an aeroelastic coupling updated at each time step. The method is validated first by comparing the integrated aerodynamic work at CFD and CSD nodes to verify work conservation across the interface. Second, the method is verified by comparing the sectional blade loads and deflections of a rotor in hover and in forward flight with experimental data. Finally, stability analyses for pitch/plunge flutter and camber flutter are performed with comprehensive CSD/low-order-aerodynamics and tightly coupled CFD/CSD simulations and compared to analytical solutions of Peters' thin airfoil theory to verify proper aeroelastic behavior. The effects of simple harmonic camber actuation are examined and compared to the response predicted by Peters' finite-state (F-S) theory.;In anticipation of active rotor experiments inside enclosed facilities, computational simulations are performed to evaluate the capability of CFD for accurately simulating flow inside enclosed volumes. A computational methodology for accurately simulating a rotor inside a test chamber is developed to determine the influence of test facility components and turbulence modeling and performance predictions. A number of factors that influence the physical accuracy of the simulation, such as temporal resolution, grid resolution, and aeroelasticity are also evaluated.
Keywords/Search Tags:Aeroelastic, Rotor, Surface, Methodology, Vibratory
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