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Mechanical Subsystem Development for the CanX-7 Nanosatellite, the NEMO-HD Microsatellite, and the XPOD Mass Dummy

Posted on:2015-12-30Degree:M.A.SType:Thesis
University:University of Toronto (Canada)Candidate:Chung, John Chi-JenFull Text:PDF
The proliferation of small satellites has ushered in new challenges in satellite mechanical development. The pursuit for accessibility and low cost has resulted in industry-wide implementation of standardized form factors. Yet, advances in payload technology continue to drive demands for new bus designs with significant growth potential. The Space Flight Laboratory is currently developing satellites across a wide spectrum of mission scopes. Amongst these are a challenging technology demonstration nanosatellite with a 3U CubeSat form factor, and an Earth observation microsatellite to fly with a next-generation large-scale platform. Presented herein are the advances made in mechanical engineering for these two satellites in particular, as well as other ground support equipment. Significant work is done towards the detailed design and analysis of the bus structures. As well, contributions are made in support of the assembly, integration, and testing activities on both the satellite and subsystem levels.
Keywords/Search Tags:Mechanical
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