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Difference in the perception of political art inside and outside the art gallery

Posted on:2015-11-23Degree:M.F.AType:Thesis
University:The University of Texas - Pan AmericanCandidate:Parga, Jose MariaFull Text:PDF
GTID:2472390017496689Subject:Art criticism
The work and research for this exhibit were focused on exploring whether a major difference exists in the way political art is perceived by an audience when the art is in an art exhibition and when it is seen in an urban environment. If there is a difference in perception, what does the work of art gain, and what does it lose in each of the different contexts? These questions were addressed by observing people's reactions to the works on display in En el Pais de No Pasa Nada, as opposed to public street art that addresses the same subject matter. In addition, this thesis addresses how works of political art in the past were perceived by their audiences and by the artists themselves.
Keywords/Search Tags:Art
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