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A message priority local area network for substation protection and control

Posted on:1990-09-18Degree:M.EngType:Thesis
University:Memorial University of Newfoundland (Canada)Candidate:Choi, JoseFull Text:PDF
A specialized microcomputer network is developed to meet the real-time processing requirements of a digitally protected substation. This application has strict timing constraints and requires a fast communication response. The network is based on the principle that direct access to channel is granted exclusively to the ready message with the current highest priority.;The network requirements of the digitally protected substation are defined. The data flow of the substation resembles the message priority in nature. To implement the message priority scheme, a totally distributed network is employed.;A simulation model is developed to predict the performance of the network. Results from the simulation indicate that the network is capable of meeting the timing constraints of the real-time application.
Keywords/Search Tags:Network, Substation, Message priority, Timing constraints
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