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Ground reaction forces and centers of pressure for a female distance runner

Posted on:1992-04-01Degree:M.AType:Thesis
University:Michigan State UniversityCandidate:Gregorich, Sandra LeeFull Text:PDF
This study examined the ground reaction forces and center of pressure patterns for barefoot and shod conditions of a female distance runner. Very few substantial differences were found between barefoot and shod conditions. The greatest variation was the percent of stance in which the heelstrike loading occurred, 3.1% for barefeet and 6.1% for shod trials. Possibly the difference could be due to the greater landing area of the shoe and also the material of which the sole is made. Similarities included: (1) increased velocity during the propulsive phase; (2) maximum vertical loading of 2.8...
Keywords/Search Tags:Ground reaction forces, Female distance, Barefoot and shod conditions
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