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Planning for the birds: An approach to ecologically based strategic planning in the Grand River Forests

Posted on:1992-06-24Degree:M.AType:Thesis
University:University of Waterloo (Canada)Candidate:Cheskey, Edward DanielFull Text:PDF
Planning for the birds is a departure from tradition, in that the direct object of the planning exercise is not the welfare of humans, but rather the welfare of birds, especially their habitat. The habitat is the Grand River Forests that stretch between Cambridge and Paris, Ontario. Many agencies have recognized the significance of this 20 kilometer stretch of habitats. However, pressures from the growing regional population threaten this unique area's ecological integrity. In this thesis, the potential loss of natural heritage as reflected in bird populations becomes a call to action. Arguments are built for protecting populations of breeding birds vulnerable to human induced stresses. In planning for the protection of species most intolerant of human actions, the less sensitive species are looked after. The present avifauna is placed in a historical context as the abiotic, biotic and cultural processes that led to the present situation are examined. Original research on relationships between breeding birds and their habitat, based on two seasons of field work is presented. These data are used to describe statistical and spatial patterns in the distribution of vulnerable species. After patterns of local threats to the vulnerable populations, and institutional arrangements are considered, the components of a strategic plan to protect the vulnerable birds is presented. This thesis builds a strong case for the protection of the natural heritage of the Grand River Forests, and provides a means to do so through planning for the birds.
Keywords/Search Tags:Birds, Planning, Grand river
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