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Permanent magnet AC synchronous motor control using the 68HC11 microcontroller

Posted on:1994-04-13Degree:M.S.E.EType:Thesis
University:University of Massachusetts LowellCandidate:Craven, McCharles AnthonyFull Text:PDF
In this thesis, the design of a digitally based pulse width modulated AC synchronous motor torque controller is discussed. The motor is powered by a DC source fed through an inverter. The pulses are generated using a Motorola 68HC11 microcontroller in conjunction with IXYS IXDP610 pulse width modulation chips. After an overview of the general control strategy, the operation of the hardware elements is discussed. This includes the microcontroller board, pulse-width modulation chips, optocoupled gate drivers, inverter, encoder, and hall sensor feedback. Following this, the software programming and methodology is described. Flowcharts, a complete source code listing, as well as code written to debug and test assembly language procedures are presented. Additionally, experimental results and areas of future research are discussed. The controller was built in the University of Massachusettes power lab.
Keywords/Search Tags:Motor, Discussed
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