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High resolution correlation of Pennsylvanian marine condensed sections from outcrop to subsurface

Posted on:2015-09-09Degree:M.SType:Thesis
University:Oklahoma State UniversityCandidate:Morris, Jared DrakeFull Text:PDF
The stratigraphic complexity and repetition in Pennsylvanian deposition in the Midcontinent region of North America is manifested by numerous stacked cyclothems. Condensed sections in each cyclothem examined in this study were from the Cherokee, Marmaton, Pleasanton, Kansas City, Lansing, Douglas, and Shawnee Groups of the Middle to Upper Pennsylvanian. Correlation was based upon conodont distributions at outcrops in northeast Oklahoma, eastern Kansas, northwest Missouri, and southern Iowa and cores from southwestern Anadarko Basin. Conodonts recovered from outcrop were compiled for future work. Conodonts were recovered from six cores were correlated to outcrop. The correlated condensed sections are the Nuyaka Creek Shale, Stark Shale, Block Limestone, Quivira Shale, and Muncie Creek Shale. The Nuyaka Creek Shale (Top Marmaton in subsurface) is easily correlatable through the presence of Swadelina nodocarinata, Idiognathodus expansus, and the last appearance of Neognathodus. Idiognathodus is abundant and diverse in the Stark Shale (Hogshooter) with I. magnificus, I. confragus, I. cancellosus, and I. cherryvalensis. The Block Limestone (Hogshooter) contains the first introduction of Streptognathodus with S. gracilis, S. elegantulus, and S. excelsus as well as Idiognathodus magnificus and Idiognathodus cherryvalensis. The Quivira Shale (Upper Hogshooter) is distinguished by an abundance of Gondolella, S. gracilis, S. elegantulus, S. excelsus, and I. mafnificus . The Muncie Creek Shale (Lower Avant) contains a distinct form of Idiognathodus magnificus and S. gracilis, S. elegantulus, and S. excelsus. Wireline log cross sections were created to show the distribution of condensed section electrofacies.
Keywords/Search Tags:Condensed, Sections, Pennsylvanian, Creek shale, Outcrop
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