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Posted on:1988-07-06Degree:Ph.DType:Thesis
University:Temple UniversityCandidate:FINNISSEY, JOHN CLARK, JRFull Text:PDF
GTID:2471390017957204Subject:Political science
The problem considered was that given the widespread grievances against strip mining in Western Maryland, what accounted for the lack of authoritative decisions being made within the State Capital to remedy the situation? This problem was studied from a power perspective. This area presented a microcosm of the problem of "power" and "powerlessness" to be found throughout the Appalachian coal fields. These grievances were examined as nonissues. Following Frey, the hypothesis was that one can suspect nonissues when: (1) there are apparent interests at stake or in jeopardy for a group of constituents which would seem to occasion demands being placed on the political system for amelioration, and (2) these constituents display acquiescence or passivity. Mountaineers were interviewed having grievances against strip mining to determine the reasons for their acquiescence or lack of protest. Consideration was given to the various power mechanisms which contributed to nondecision-making; the thwarting and suppression of grievances held against strip mining. Fear is utilized as a means of social control. A power relationship may exist where there is a suppression of grievances through nondecision-making and thus there is an absence of both overt conflict and grievances. Cases were documented where the ownership or control of strip mining companies by absentee interests was masked. The strip mining industry has portrayed itself as being local. Consequently, the fact that the area is being drained of its coal wealth is a nonissue, thwarting the possible enactment of ameliorative legislation requiring that the profits obtained by absentee interests be reinvested in businesses in the area, providing much longed for employment. The Citizens' Coalition on Surface Mining has attempted to organize the mountaineers in protesting against strip mining, and placing grievances on the political agenda for amelioration. The prospect for change in the short term appeared dim given the indifference in the State Capital as evident in the lack or inadequate enforcement of existing regulations by state authorities; the indirect influence which the strip mining interests are perceived to have over legislators from the area and the retainer of a lobbyist by the Maryland Coal Association.
Keywords/Search Tags:Strip mining, Grievances, Area
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