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Evaluation of sidestreams on a biological wastewater treatment plant

Posted on:1991-09-24Degree:M.S.C.EType:Thesis
University:The University of Texas at ArlingtonCandidate:McNamee, Joan Bridget HawleyFull Text:PDF
A computer model, using LOTUS 1-2-3, was developed to determine the effects of sidestream flows and loadings on a typical wastewater treatment plant. Average values were assumed in the model, but actual data and parameters can be added to reflect actual conditions. The parameters measured in the model were flow, TSS, BOD;The model shows several things including: the treatability of the waste decreases when recycle flows are introduced to the treatment plant resulting in a higher TF; and the effect that TSS, BOD, TKN, varies with the type of solids handling and if toxics are present or generated in the waste.
Keywords/Search Tags:Model
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