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Food processing and cooking technology of the Mimbres Mogollon (early Pithouse period through the Mimbres Classic A.D. 200-1130

Posted on:2017-12-06Degree:M.AType:Thesis
University:University of Nevada, Las VegasCandidate:Lauzon, Ashley MFull Text:PDF
This thesis examines food processing and cooking technology of the Mimbres Mogollon culture from A.D. 200-1130. Food processing and cooking technology includes any tool (chipped stone, ground stone, ceramics, basketry/perishables, etc.) or feature (fire-features, etc.) used to prepare, process, and cook food. Data on this technology as a whole is lacking in the region. The goal of this research is to document and explore the changes and developments in food-related technology over time and to investigate possible factors that influenced its development.;To document this technology over the course of approximately 1000 years, four case study sites were used: The McAnally site (Early Pithouse period, A.D. 200-550), the Harris Site (Late Pithouse period, A.D. 550-1000), and Galaz Ruin and NAN Ranch Ruin (Mimbres Classic period, A.D. 1000-1130). Ceramic, ground stone and fire-feature data from each site were gathered through a combination of personal analysis and published theses, dissertations, and site reports. Several changes occurred in material culture, architecture, and social organization during this time frame. Through documenting this technology, it was possible to further explore the relationship between larger organizational changes and those that occurred in food-related technology including tool types and location of features. By examining how various components of food processing and cooking technology changed over time within the region, more information may be understood regarding how the Mimbres people adapted to both changes in social organization and to their local environment.
Keywords/Search Tags:Food processing and cooking technology, Mimbres, Pithouse period, Changes
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