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Experiments on the solidification of a binary alloy in a rectangular cavity

Posted on:1991-06-10Degree:Ph.DType:Thesis
University:University of Illinois at ChicagoCandidate:Cao, Wei-zhengFull Text:PDF
In this thesis the main procedures and results of an experimental investigation on the freezing of alloys and pure substances in a rectangular cavity are reported. Mixtures of water and ammonium chloride were used to simulate freezing of metal alloys. Note that these mixtures behave, qualitatively, like metal alloys, while they solidify at much lower temperatures and are transparent allowing for visual observations.;The work starts with the experimental investigation of the freezing of a water - NH;The final part of the thesis is focused on the investigation of alloy solidification in inclined rectangular cavities. An appropriately designed experimental apparatus allows for the rotation of a rectangular cavity at any desired angle with respect to the gravity vector. One wall of the cavity is cooled and the others are kept adiabatic. After several interesting findings, an engineering correlation is reported for the volume of ice produced as a function of time and the inclination angle.;The last segment of the research contained in this thesis documents the phenomenon of solidification of a water - NH...
Keywords/Search Tags:Solidification, Rectangular, Thesis, Cavity
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