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Refining of scrap steel using a calcium carbide-calcium oxide-calcium chloride slag

Posted on:1994-08-18Degree:M.ScType:Thesis
University:Queen's University (Canada)Candidate:MacFarlane, Trevor KeithFull Text:PDF
The impurity content of recycled steel scrap is increasing. Some of the impurity elements present in the materials charged to steel melting furnaces are retained in the final steel product. With the increased demand for high quality continuously cast steels, it is becoming necessary to develop methods for the removal of these impurities or tramp elements from steel. In this work, a CaO-CaCl;Calcium carbide reacts with the trace elements present in the steel to form stable intermetallic compounds, which because of their low density, report to the slag.;First, a thermodynamic analysis of the refining of steel with calcium carbide was performed using F*A*C*T. Then, experiments were performed by equilibrating the molten steel with the CaO-CaCl;In addition, the solubility of calcium carbide in a calcium oxide/calcium chloride/calcium fluoride melt was also studied. The solubility of calcium carbide reached a maximum of 2.2 mole percent at a temperature of 1000...
Keywords/Search Tags:Calcium carbide, Steel
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