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Metal contacts on diamond: Correlation of interface chemistry and electrical properties

Posted on:1993-07-28Degree:Ph.DType:Thesis
University:North Carolina State UniversityCandidate:Tachibana, TakeshiFull Text:PDF
GTID:2471390014497536Subject:Materials science
The objective of this thesis is to observe the electrical properties of metal contacts on semiconducting diamond and to explain those results using interface analytical techniques such as x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy and Auger electron spectroscopy. This study is intended to be a guide for establishing the factors which determine the contact properties on diamond and for the selection of metallization material for diamond device fabrication.;Minimal interaction between Au and diamond due to the inert nature of both materials led to the formation of rectifying contacts. Various predeposition treatments of the diamond including vacuum annealing, wet chemical cleaning and Ar;As-deposited Ti contacts were also rectifying because of minimal interaction between the Ti and diamond. These contacts became ohmic upon annealing at 430;The third metal examined was Al. The as-grown surface did not chemically interact with Al even after annealing, while an Ar;Finally, to study Schottky barrier formation at metal-diamond interfaces, metal contacts on diamond (111) and (100) surfaces were investigated. Both unreconstructed (1 x 1) surfaces and reconstructed (2 x 2)/(2 x 1) surfaces were examined. On the reconstructed surfaces, the surface band bending (SBB) were independent of metal thicknesses because of the Fermi level pinning by high density of surface states. On the other hand, the surface state densities were much lower on the unreconstructed surfaces. When the metal coverage became large on these unreconstructed surfaces, the SBB increased.
Keywords/Search Tags:Metal, Diamond, Surfaces
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