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Processing maps for the micropyretic synthesis of the nickel-aluminum intermetallics

Posted on:1995-04-04Degree:Ph.DType:Thesis
University:University of CincinnatiCandidate:Li, Hung-PinFull Text:PDF
An ever increasing demand for a cost effective technological leap in available intermetallic compounds in structural applications is creating an impetus for understanding and modifying the processing required in their manufacture. The key issue, which is emerging from several investigations, is that during the processing of modern intermetallic compounds, properties are intricately connected through processing, and that small changes in the processing conditions may lead to large changes in properties. Economic considerations invariably favor micropyretic synthesis as a preferred approach to use in manufacturing. Therefore, the study of the influence of the processing conditions of the micropyretic synthesis is critical to intermetallics development strategies.; Micropyretic synthesis is an economical processing route as it involves minimal usage of energy, is containerless, and has a wide multitude of possible compositions. However, rigorous treatment of the fundamental physics and metallurgy of micropyretic synthesis is only now evolving. To comprehend micropyretic synthesis, a detailed understanding of the processing is important because many of the new generation intermetallics do not allow much flexibility in their processing. New materials will not find their place in an application unless their properties can be tailored through precise processing control. The objective of this dissertation is to provide a quantitative understanding of the influences of processing conditions on the micropyretically synthesized product.; This dissertation contains the fundamental studies of the micropyretic synthesis. The investigation of the influence of the particle size on micropyretic synthesis is first studied. A study of the dimensional changes and the banded structures of the synthesized products provides insight on how to obtain products with retained net shape and homogeneity. In addition, a numerical analysis of micropyretic synthesis of Ni-Al intermetallic is carried out to highlight the effects of the various initial experimental processing parameters on the synthesized product. Finally, processing maps for micropyretic synthesis, which combine the experimental results and numerical data, are generated. Results of this dissertation provide engineering design information on NiAl intermetallics and also are useful for developing process guidelines for targeted products.
Keywords/Search Tags:Micropyretic synthesis, Processing, Intermetallic
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