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An integrated approach to wastewater management and reuse in Jordan: A case study of the Jordan Valley

Posted on:2015-09-03Degree:M.AType:Thesis
University:Trent University (Canada)Candidate:Albakkar, YosraFull Text:PDF
GTID:2470390020951464Subject:Water resources management
This research explores the obstacles Jordan is facing regarding the sustainable treatment and reuse of wastewater in the agricultural sector. It assesses the technical, socio-cultural, and political aspects of decision-making around water and wastewater management in Jordan by focusing on a case study involving wastewater usage in the Jordan Valley. It includes a literature review and interviews with representatives of key stakeholders. While at one level wastewater treatment is a technical process with technological solutions, a nuanced understanding of the non-technical challenges facing the wastewater treatment sector in Jordan is necessary. These challenges are inherently embedded in and contextualized by a series of historical, complex and dynamic political and socio-cultural issues involving stakeholders at local and national levels. Only through an interdisciplinary approach with real stakeholder engagement will meaningful solutions to these challenges be developed and implemented, and at least a portion of Jordan's water needs be meaningfully addressed.
Keywords/Search Tags:Jordan, Wastewater
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