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Electronic structure and quantum transport properties of metallic and semiconducting nanowires

Posted on:2015-08-31Degree:Ph.DType:Thesis
University:Rensselaer Polytechnic InstituteCandidate:Simbeck, Adam JFull Text:PDF
GTID:2470390020452225Subject:Quantum physics
The future of the semiconductor industry hinges upon new developments to combat the scaling issues that currently afflict two main chip components: transistors and interconnects. For transistors this means investigating suitable materials to replace silicon for both the insulating gate and the semiconducting channel in order to maintain device performance with decreasing size. For interconnects this equates to overcoming the challenges associated with copper when the wire dimensions approach the confinement limit, as well as continuing to develop low-k dielectric materials that can assure minimal cross-talk between lines. In addition, such challenges make it increasingly clear that device design must move from a top-down to a bottom-up approach in which the desired electronic characteristics are tailored from first-principles. It is with such fundamental hurdles in mind that ab initio calculations on the electronic and quantum transport properties of nanoscale metallic and semiconducting wires have been performed. More specifically, this study seeks to elaborate on the role played by confinement, contacts, dielectric environment, edge decoration, and defects in altering the electronic and transport characteristics of such systems. As experiments continue to achieve better control over the synthesis and design of nanowires, these results are expected to become increasingly more important for not only the interpretation of electronic and transport trends, but also in engineering the electronic structure of nanowires for the needs of the devices of the future.;For the metallic atomic wires, the quantum transport properties are first investigated by considering finite, single-atom chains of aluminum, copper, gold, and silver sandwiched between gold contacts. Non-equilibrium Green's function based transport calculations reveal that even in the presence of the contact the conductivity of atomic-scale aluminum is greater than that of the other metals considered. This is in opposition to the situation in the bulk where the conductivity of aluminum is well known to be the lowest amongst these four metals. The better performance of aluminum is attributed to its higher density of states near the Fermi energy, which is the determining factor in the ballistic limit. The results from the finite systems are corroborated by the study of the electronic structure of truly one-dimensional atomic wires where it is confirmed that aluminum is more conductive than copper, gold, or silver. The one-dimensional results are attributed to the higher number of eigenchannels available in aluminum wires, which is the determining factor in the periodic structure.;For the semiconducting wires, ultra-thin and fully hydrogen-passivated silicon and germanium systems oriented along the [110] direction are considered in an attempt to understand the role of the substrate in modulating the band structure of the wire. The electronic structures of free-standing and graphene supported SiH2 and GeH2 atomic wires are investigated using a combination of first-principles density functional theory and many-body perturbation theory. The band gaps predicted from density functional theory are essentially unaffected by the presence of the graphene substrate, whereas the quasiparticle gaps computed under the GW approximation are substantially reduced. The quasiparticle band gaps of the SiH2 and GeH2 wires decrease by ∼1.1 eV when supported by graphene. This decrease is attributed to a substrate-induced polarization effect which is more effective at screening the Coulomb interaction. These results extend the substrate-induced quasiparticle band gap renormalization to semiconducting wires composed of silicon and germanium, and shows that besides size and orientation, the substrate can also be used to engineer the band gap of semiconducting wires.;Finally, for both metallic and semiconducting nanowires, the role of oxygen edge functionalization in armchair graphene nanoribbons is investigated. Although the benefits of carbon-based nanomaterials have been well documented, their unique electronic properties have yet to be realized in a practical device. The results demonstrate that the introduction of oxygen results in a rich geometrical environment, which in turn determines the electronic and magnetic properties of the ribbon. If the geometry of the ribbon is forced to remain planar then a degenerate, magnetic ground state is predicted whose electronic structure depends upon the magnetic coupling between nanoribbon edges. Allowing the nanoribbon to adopt a non-planar geometry though drastically reduces the energy of the system and the magnetic coupling reported in the planar case is lost. The more energetically favorable non-planar geometry is attributed to a steric interaction resulting from the level of oxygen concentration. The electronic structures of the non-planar ribbons display three band gap families whose gaps generally decrease with increasing ribbon width. The band gap trends as a function of width for the 3p and 3p + 2 families are promising for larger width nanoribbons with sizable band gaps.
Keywords/Search Tags:Electronic, Quantum transport properties, Wires, Semiconducting, Band gap
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