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Ideals of powers of linear forms

Posted on:2015-10-01Degree:Ph.DType:Thesis
University:University of Illinois at Urbana-ChampaignCandidate:Shan, JianyunFull Text:PDF
This thesis addresses two closely related problems about ideals of powers of linear forms.;In the first chapter, we analyze a problem from spline theory, namely to compute the dimension of the vector space of trivariate splines on a special class of tetrahedral complexes, using ideals of powers of linear forms. By Macaulay's inverse system, this class of ideals is closely related to ideals of fat points.;In the second chapter, we approach a conjecture of Postnikov and Shapiro concerning the minimal free resolutions of a class of ideals of powers of linear forms in n variables which are constructed from complete graphs on n + 1 vertices. This statement was also conjectured by Schenck in the special case of n = 3. We provide two different approaches to his conjecture. We prove the conjecture of Postnikov and Shapiro under the additional condition that certain modules are free.
Keywords/Search Tags:Linear forms, Ideals, Powers
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