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The Founding of an Event-Ontology: Verlinde's Emergent Gravity and Whitehead's Actual Entities

Posted on:2016-04-20Degree:Ph.DType:Thesis
University:The Claremont Graduate UniversityCandidate:Bettinger, Jesse SterlingFull Text:PDF
GTID:2470390017978376Subject:Philosophy of science
Whitehead's 1929 categoreal framework of actual entities (AE's) are hypothesized to provide an accurate foundation for a revised theory of gravity to arise compatible with Verlinde's 2010 emergent gravity (EG) model, not as a fundamental force, but as the result of an entropic force. By the end of this study we should be in position to claim that the EG effect can in fact be seen as an integral sub-sequence of the AE process. To substantiate this claim, this study elaborates the conceptual architecture driving Verlinde's emergent gravity hypothesis in concert with the corresponding structural dynamics of Whitehead's philosophical/scientific logic comprising actual entities. This proceeds to the extent that both are shown to mutually integrate under the event-based covering logic of a generative process underwriting experience and physical ontology. In comparing the components of both frameworks across the epistemic modalities of pure philosophy, string theory, and cosmology/relativity physics, this study utilizes a geomodal convention as a pre-linguistic, neutral observation language---like an augur between the two theories---wherein a visual event-logic is progressively enunciated in concert with the specific details of both models, leading to a cross-pollinized language of concepts shown to mutually inform each other. The geomodal framework will be implemented in this study as an exegetical modeling convention. From this study we will attempt to construct a set of narratives for string theory and AE's on the basis of an event logic and process ontology. Combining these two fields brings to light novel connections between the sciences and humanities as well as offering a method for realizing a new, narrative logic in string theory and philosophy of mind.
Keywords/Search Tags:Emergent gravity, Actual, Theory, Verlinde's, Logic
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