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Numerical realization of the generalized Carrier-Greenspan transform for the shallow water wave equations

Posted on:2016-10-14Degree:M.SType:Thesis
University:University of Alaska FairbanksCandidate:Harris, Matthew WFull Text:PDF
GTID:2470390017481926Subject:Applied Mathematics
Run-up of long waves in sloping U-shaped bays is studied analytically in the framework of the 1-D nonlinear shallow-water theory. By assuming that the wave flow is uniform along the cross-section, the 2-D nonlinear shallow-water equations are reduced to a linear semi-axis variable-coefficient 1-D wave equation via the generalized Carrier-Greenspan transformation (Rybkin et al., 2014). A spectral solution is developed by solving the linear semiaxis variable-coefficient 1-D equation via separation of variables and then applying the inverse Carrier-Greenspan transform. To compute the run-up of a given long wave a numerical method is developed to find the eigenfunction decomposition required for the spectral solution in the linearized system. The run-up of a long wave in a bathymetry characteristic of a narrow canyon is then examined.
Keywords/Search Tags:Wave, 1-D, Carrier-greenspan
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