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Developing warrants for the use of flashing beacons at stop-sign controlled intersections

Posted on:1998-05-07Degree:M.SType:Thesis
University:Mississippi State UniversityCandidate:Mehlhorn, Sandy AnnFull Text:PDF
At the present, there are no nationally established guidelines that could be used for the installation of flashing beacons in conjunction with conventional stop-sign control. This study was conducted to determine the guidelines used by state DOT's. A copy of the survey was sent to the state traffic engineer at the 50 states' Departments of Transportation and Puerto Rico's. Using the results of the survey and a thorough literature review, several recommendations for warrants were established. These warrants are: (1) five or more right-turn, left-turn or right-angle accidents in a 12-month period, (2) flashing beacons should not be installed unless they can be initially seen by a driver for given decision sight distances, and (3) there is a stop condition on a major roadway that has not required traffic to stop for ten miles.
Keywords/Search Tags:Flashing beacons, Warrants
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