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An Analysis of Zoning By-laws and Urban Agriculture in the City of Peterborough, Ontario

Posted on:2017-03-31Degree:M.AType:Thesis
University:Trent University (Canada)Candidate:Mackey, TaylorFull Text:PDF
Urban agriculture (UA) is becoming increasingly prevalent in Canadian cities. Despite this municipal zoning by-laws often do not address UA explicitly. Using eleven interviews of urban agricultural participants a case study of the City of Peterborough's zoning by-laws and the barriers they might present to UA was conducted. Research suggests that UA can provide many benefits to urban areas. The analysis found that the City of Peterborough's zoning by-laws do not directly address UA. In order to enable the development of UA in the City of Peterborough its zoning by-laws will need to be redesigned to address and regulate UA directly.
Keywords/Search Tags:Zoning by-laws, Urban agriculture, Peterborough, Address UA
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