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Formulation of an ecotourism policy framework for Manitoba

Posted on:1999-11-16Degree:M.N.R.MType:Thesis
University:University of Manitoba (Canada)Candidate:Keszi, Joseph MichaelFull Text:PDF
Manitoba, with its diversity of ecological and cultural reserves, has a tremendous opportunity to capitalize on the growing demand for ecotourism experiences. This study addresses that opportunity, presenting a policy framework for the development of ecotourism in Manitoba. In developing this framework, interviews were carried out with members of various stakeholder groups, including: government (Provincial and Federal), industry (operators, marketers, and associations), First Nations, and environmental non-government organizations.; Proposed objectives are developed for eight different policy areas, addressing issues relating to: sustainability; business viability; integrated resource management planning; infrastructure; leadership and cooperation; marketing; aboriginal involvement; and awareness and understanding. Individual policies are formulated to achieve each objective and suggestions are made for application of the policies.; Recommendations for the development of Manitoba's ecotourism industry and implementation of this document include efforts to: further develop the proposed policy framework; establish industry credibility within the marketplace; facilitate quality product development; and market Manitoba as an ecotourism destination. (Abstract shortened by UMI.)...
Keywords/Search Tags:Ecotourism, Policy framework
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