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A comparative analysis of Indonesian and Philippino contraceptive determinants and use

Posted on:2001-07-27Degree:M.AType:Thesis
University:University of Nevada, Las VegasCandidate:Norman, Emily DoraFull Text:PDF
This exploratory study investigates the contraceptive determinants affecting the variation behind different contraceptive use patterns in Indonesia and the Philippines. I analyze how much effect various determinants have on use patterns and whether these same determinants are relevant to a similar degree in both countries. Several demographic studies have indicated that while education and other socio-economic; variables play a large role in contraceptive use, other factors are pertinent as well. Physical access in terms of distance to a facility or ease in reaching it is one concept. In addition, informational access via availability of mass media and the related function of literacy are important. Hopefully policy makers can utilize these findings to eventually increase access to contraception in areas where it is needed most.
Keywords/Search Tags:Contraceptive, Determinants
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