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Private sector conservation: New model for the 21st centur

Posted on:1996-08-19Degree:LL.MType:Thesis
University:York University (Canada)Candidate:Lieberman, Susan RuthFull Text:PDF
Traditionally, the public sector has been responsible for conserving Ontario's natural spaces. Financial constraints, government system weaknesses and changing values threaten the effectiveness of this model. As we approach the 21st century we need a new approach to conservation, one which reallocates this responsibility while combatting the threats. As this thesis demonstrates, the private sector is able and well-suited to assume some responsibility and to voluntarily join the public sector in conserving Ontario's natural spaces.;The thesis begins by exploring values inherent in conservation by answering the question, "Why do people conserve land?" What ethical, ecological and socio-economic values are supported when natural spaces are given formal protection and how do these values mesh together? This part of the thesis illustrates how values and changing values complicate the protection of natural spaces. In today's complex and pluralistic society, decisions regarding conservation must take into account values of all of those with an interest in the land.;The next section summarizes public sector conservation initiatives in Ontario and points out strengths and weaknesses with the current framework of government action. While noting that these initiatives are numerous and wide reaching, this part also provides examples of when protection has been of limited effect, enforcement measures not used, ecological values not well-addressed and reform called for.;The thesis then introduces private sector conservation initiatives, focusing on land trusts, not-for-profit corporations that protect natural spaces, and conservation easements, a significant tool.;The thesis concludes with the promise of a new approach for protecting natural spaces in the 21st century. This approach involves both public and private sector conservation. Explanation of why public sector efforts are not adequate to protect Canada's natural spaces are advanced while reasons are provided of why the private sector is qualified to help. (Abstract shortened by UMI.).
Keywords/Search Tags:Sector, Natural spaces, Values, New, 21st
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