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Rural energy development in China

Posted on:1997-09-20Degree:M.A.ScType:Thesis
University:The University of Regina (Canada)Candidate:Huang, KunFull Text:PDF
GTID:2469390014483981Subject:Civil engineering
The Chinese economic reform has propelled the development of China's rural society for the last 16 years. These economic activities increased the use of energy, especially commercial energy. The present level of rural energy consumption, however, is now perceived by many as potentially leading to unacceptable alterations in rural physical and social environments.;This thesis addresses the complex interrelationship among society, economics, technology, energy, environment, and realistic energy policies. It also provides a comprehensive review of the underlying factors and suggestions for effective energy planning methods towards solutions of current problems. This will require the participation of specialists in areas covering practically all endeavors in rural China.;There are four major interwoven facts outlined in this thesis. The first is that population, economic growth, and limits on local resource will affect the rural energy system. Changes in energy supply and demand in rural China and strategic rural energy policies are represented. The second is that rural energy management impacts directly on the rural energy system. The Chinese government uses a unique management approach to control the rural energy supply-demand balance in rural China. The third introduces rural energy conservation. The idea governing major energy conservation in various rural energy end use sectors delineate the enormous energy conservation potentiality. An achievement of this potentiality is central to the solution of a host of disparate problems in this energy system. The fourth aspect is energy forecasting and planning methods. These methods can project rural energy development trends.
Keywords/Search Tags:Rural energy, Economic, Planning methods
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