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Development of a CAD/CAE tool---ROBOKINE (ROBOtic KINEmatics)---for workspace, inverse kinematics and trajectory planning

Posted on:2003-11-20Degree:M.S.M.EType:Thesis
University:The University of Texas at ArlingtonCandidate:Narasimhan, Mukund VenkatachariFull Text:PDF
In this thesis, the 4 x 4 homogeneous matrix, C-B (Cylindrical Coordinates-Bryant Angles) symbolic notation is applied to the displacement analysis of general robots. A CAD/CAE tool—ROBOKINE—is developed using Java and Java3D for the design and analysis of industrial robots, that is, open chain mechanisms. ROBOKINE allows the user to model and analyze an arbitrary open chain mechanism consisting of any number and combination of joints. ROBOKINE has various advanced features such as (1) Workspace generation, which also includes the dynamic slice of the three dimensional workspace in real time, obtaining the coordinate values of the manipulator based on the inputs provided by the user, (2) Inverse Kinematics Solver, which uses visualization technique to solve inverse kinematic problems, (3) Trajectory Planning Solver uses visualization technique to obtain the orientation values of the joints to trace the pre-determined trajectory. The via points on this planned trajectory can be saved for future use. The tool is tested and validated by analyzing several commercial robots.
Keywords/Search Tags:Trajectory, Kinematics, Workspace, Inverse
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