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Asymmetries in the bidirectional associative strengths between events in cue competition for causes and effects

Posted on:2004-09-23Degree:M.AType:Thesis
University:University of Southern CaliforniaCandidate:Kim, Deanah KFull Text:PDF
Two experiments using social stimuli tested a recurrent neural network model's predictions for cue competition for causes and effects. The delta rule-based model predicts the presence of cue competition for causes as well as for effects as a result of an asymmetry in the bidirectional associative strengths between the relevant cue-outcome pairs. Results support the model's prediction for the presence of cue competition for causes and for effects. However, the observed asymmetry in the bidirectional associative strengths between the common cause and the redundant outcome in cue competition for effects was in the opposite direction of that predicted by the recurrent network model. Further, cue competition for causes did not exhibit the predicted asymmetry in the bidirectional associative strengths between the redundant cause and the common outcome. The implications these results have for the various contingency learning models' accounts of cue competition are discussed.
Keywords/Search Tags:Cue competition, Bidirectional associative strengths, Network model, Psychology
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