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Algorithms for acquisition and rendering of sounds in perceptual user interfaces

Posted on:2003-08-13Degree:Ph.DType:Thesis
University:University of Maryland College ParkCandidate:Zotkin, Dmitry NikolaevichFull Text:PDF
GTID:2468390011488933Subject:Computer Science
There has been a well recognized trend towards creating human-computer interfaces that take advantage of knowledge of human perception to achieve an unobtrusive and natural experience. There has also been recent research in developing interfaces for user collaboration in virtual space. Audio is a fundamental modality of human perception. In this thesis, we present a comprehensive suite of algorithms aimed at creation of the auditory part of the perceptive space—algorithms for robust unobtrusive sound acquisition and algorithms for synthesis of virtual auditory spaces. We also describe several applications in remote collaboration and human-computer interfaces that we developed.
Keywords/Search Tags:Interfaces, Algorithms
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