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ALEX: An efficient computer network-based education system

Posted on:2004-12-25Degree:M.S.EType:Thesis
University:The University of Alabama in HuntsvilleCandidate:Davis, Tiffany Renee'Full Text:PDF
Network based education systems are important in this technologically advanced era. ALEX, one such system, is proposed in this thesis as a web portal for Alabama teachers. The ALEX system includes lesson plans, web resources, communication tools, and a wealth of other educational materials for teachers. HTML, PHP, PERL, and MySQL were used to develop this system; appropriately, it is deployed on the Internet, making it available to all Alabama educators with access to a computer regardless of geographic location. Existing systems have been compared to the ALEX system. In addition, some suggestions have been made on how these systems could be improved and how the implementation of these ideas could be used to improve ALEX.
Keywords/Search Tags:ALEX, System
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