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Construct validation of visual literacy and a domain specification for the development of a general education course

Posted on:1999-06-23Degree:Ph.DType:Thesis
University:Brigham Young UniversityCandidate:Christopherson, Jerry TannerFull Text:PDF
This dissertation is conducted in two parts: the first, a construct validation of visual literacy, and the second, a role delineation study of visual literacy using the validated instrument. The construct validation is based on a series of earlier visual literacy construct-defining studies and culminates in a factor analysis of the survey instrument. The factor analysis reveals quantitatively the smallest number of underlying factors that can reasonably account for the relationships between variables in the survey. The factor analysis also provides the means for determining which items align best with each factor in the visual literacy domain. The second part of the study uses role delineation methodology, a job analysis, and synthesis strategy used to define emerging roles created by advancements in technology. The study identifies how important visual literacy is for disciplines typically not associated with the arts and what level of proficiency is needed by a student in these various disciplines when they graduate. The study also identifies what parts of the visual literacy domain are relevant enough across disciplines to include in a general education course.
Keywords/Search Tags:Visual literacy, General education course, Construct validation, Domain
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