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The effects of antidumping law enforcement

Posted on:1996-12-09Degree:Ph.DType:Thesis
University:University of California, BerkeleyCandidate:Sun, XiaolunFull Text:PDF
This thesis examines the effects of antidumping law enforcement in the United States on U.S. and foreign firms and on American welfare. This work differs from most previous studies, which are reviewed in Chapter 2, in that it focuses on the ex post effects of an antidumping investigation and the resultant import duties, rather than on why firms find it beneficial to dump in a foreign country, or on which firms are most likely to file antidumping complaints.; Chapter 3 provides the theoretical framework for the subsequent empirical studies. It demonstrates that, by filing an antidumping complaint, the petitioners are able to obtain some benefits immediately. Therefore, the imposition of antidumping duties is not the only motivation for the relief-seeking industries to file antidumping lawsuits.; Chapter 4 uses a capital market event study to assess how antidumping investigations affect firm value on the stock market. The results indicate that the mere initiation of an antidumping complaint leads to an immediate increase in stock market returns for the petitioners. The subsequent administrative decisions, on the other hand, appear to lack the expected impact on the petitioning firms. In particular, early rejection does not have a discernable effects on firm value.; In Chapter 5, three antidumping cases against Japanese manufacturing exports are studied to determine how antidumping investigations and duties affect both the American and the Japanese industries in terms of imports, prices, and market shares. The results show that antidumping actions have limited impact on industry trade flows and have mixed effects on U.S. and Japanese firms. Depending on the nature of the antidumping complaint and the level of dumping penalties, there can be beneficial, detrimental, or no effects on either side of an antidumping dispute.; Chapter 6 focuses on the welfare effects of antidumping duties in the agricultural sector. The results from the simulation analyses on three successful agricultural antidumping cases imply that, despite the small changes in terms of import prices and volume after the imposition of antidumping duties, the present discount value of excess producer rents in these successful cases are often quite high as compared to the legal expenditures.; This thesis concludes that the enforcement of U.S. antidumping law does not effectively serve its purpose. On the one hand, the law carries little punishment to the industries that bring weak antidumping cases; on the other hand, except in the agricultural sector, where the simulated rates of return are high, the real beneficial effects to most successful petitioners are very limited.
Keywords/Search Tags:Antidumping, Effects, Firms
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