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Zero to One in participatory development

Posted on:2002-08-11Degree:M.ScType:Thesis
University:University of Calgary (Canada)Candidate:Wiens, Marlene EstelleFull Text:PDF
Participatory research methodology was utilized to integrate families with disabled children into the decision-making process of an organization working in an impoverished community in Colombia. The research delineates four spheres of activity: mothers of disabled children who participated in capacity building exercises; challenges faced by their children; organizational capacity building with Board members of the partner organization; and the researcher's role. Major themes discussed are participation, identity, relationships and leadership. Themes identified for further investigation were gender and development, play and learning, and home environment and learning. Implications of participation and transformation on individual and collective identities are studied. A process of organization from the ground up, the Zero to One Framework of Organizing, presents six stages from the unformed group to the stage of achieving organizational identity and sustainability. Documentation and analysis of process variables and participant's responses are provided to enhance understanding regarding complexity in participatory development.
Keywords/Search Tags:Process
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