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How Hitler's and Stalin's views of conflict and war impact today's world

Posted on:2012-12-24Degree:M.A.L.SType:Thesis
University:Georgetown UniversityCandidate:Tucker, Diane RFull Text:PDF
GTID:2466390011969752Subject:International relations
Hitler and Stalin viewed conflict and war as simply an extension of politics. This thesis compares and contrasts the political philosophies and belief systems of Hitler and Stalin relating to the nature and purpose of conflict and war. In developing the thesis, I drew upon literature regarding political philosophy, philosophy and psychology of conflict and war, and the relationship between leaders' belief systems and conflict behavior. It further discusses how their actions, based on those philosophies and beliefs, impact today's world.;The thesis begins with a description of the political, economic, and social background of Germany and Russia, and how Hitler's and Stalin's experiences and personalities contributed to the formation of their basic views on society, conflict and war, and the future. Subsequent chapters provide a detailed comparison of their respective ideologies. Pertinent aspects of the history of Germany and Russia through World War II are explored, revealing how Hitler's and Stalin's perspectives evolved because of changing events as the war progressed. It then examines how their legacies have continued to affect the course of history during and after the Cold War. Finally, it concludes with some personal reflections on how this history helps us to understand the potential danger posed by some dictators and to inform the world's ongoing defense against tyranny.
Keywords/Search Tags:Conflict and war, Hitler's and stalin's
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