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Aqui no hay amistad: Engendering interpersonal violence among women on the Seasonal Agricultural Workers Program

Posted on:2012-11-09Degree:M.AType:Thesis
University:York University (Canada)Candidate:Sheese, KateFull Text:PDF
This thesis documents the ways in which Mexican women participating in the Seasonal Agricultural Workers Program (SAWP) experience "community" while working in Canada. Examined through the lens of structural violence, it demonstrates how the SAWP, as a sociopolitical structure relies on social inequalities and illustrates the ways in which these hierarchies and oppressions are reproduced in women's everyday social relations with one other. Drawing on focus group and interview data with Mexican migrant women in the Niagara region, this thesis argues that in harnessing gendered vulnerabilities, the SAWP is likely to engender fierce competition, antagonism, anxiety, and sustained isolation among women and severely limit possibilities for belonging, mutuality, solidarity, and importantly, for engaging in social and political change.;Keywords: gender, migration, sense of community, structural violence...
Keywords/Search Tags:Women, Violence, SAWP
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