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A parcel-based approach to prioritizing land for protection: A case study in the Credit River Watershed (Ontario)

Posted on:2003-01-13Degree:M.AType:Thesis
University:University of Guelph (Canada)Candidate:McMullen, Robyn ElizabethFull Text:PDF
The goal of this research is to develop a GIS-based model that identifies areas of significant natural heritage value for protection by acquisition. The research is based in the headwaters region of the Credit River Watershed in southern Ontario. The watershed lies within the most densely populated region of Canada and contains an abundance of high quality aggregate resources. The protection of natural areas is therefore of particular importance as development pressures threaten to further fragment and degrade the natural landscape. Delineating natural areas according to property boundaries formed purchasable parcels. The model developed here prioritizes natural area parcels of three subwatersheds based on their ecological significance and subsequent suitability for acquisition. Four criteria are employed, reflecting the parcels' habitat diversity, special features, threat of human interference, and ecological function. The results of this research will help support the Greenlands Acquisition Strategy being prepared by Credit Valley Conservation.
Keywords/Search Tags:Credit, Natural, Protection, Watershed
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