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Desir d'enfant, procreation medicalement assistee et adoption: reflexion sur la definition des liens de parente

Posted on:2012-12-15Degree:Ph.DType:Thesis
University:Universite de Montreal (Canada)Candidate:Chateauneuf, DorisFull Text:PDF
The social context surrounding reproduction and the desire for children in the West has undergone a profound transformation in recent decades. Following the introduction of contraception and the increase in the number of children born out of wedlock, the development of new reproductive technologies and adoption, particularly international adoption, has in turn contributed to transforming the frameworks surrounding kinship and the formation of families.;Based on the testimonials of Quebec couples whose successive failures in medically assisted procreation (MAP) have led them to the decision to adopt, this thesis examines the multiple dimensions involved in this type of trajectory. Socially, both AR and adoption require the intervention of a third party to establish and legitimize filiation: the medical profession in the case of AR, and legal and government authorities in the case of adoption. Both phenomena also put into play situations and issues that are highly revealing of values and collective representations regarding kinship and the family. At first glance, the type of path studied seems to illustrate a transition between two completely separate spheres: that of nature and biology embodied by AR, and that of culture and social relations embodied by adoption. However, the study of the participants' trajectories reveals a much more complex situation in which a set of explanations and factors related to the desire for children, the family, and parenthood intertwine and make sense only when viewed in the context of the major social and ideological trends that our society is undergoing. More generally, the analyses proposed in this thesis contribute to the development of an anthropology of kinship that accounts for the dynamics and tensions that affect the modern family.;KEYWORDS: anthropology of kinship - assisted reproduction - adoption - desire for children - parenting - filiation - reproduction - infertility - family...
Keywords/Search Tags:Desire for children, Adoption, Reproduction, Kinship, Family
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