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Quiet but effective: British student protests, 1966-1969

Posted on:1996-08-17Degree:M.AType:Thesis
University:Florida Atlantic UniversityCandidate:Campbell, David RichardFull Text:PDF
Historians have referred to Britain's student protests of the 1960s as "imitative", "derivative", and "insignificant" in comparison to those in other regions of the world. In comparing the British protests at the London School of Economics and Essex University to those of the Free University of Berlin, the University of Nanterre and the Sorbonne in France, and Columbia University and the University of California in the United States, it becomes clear that this is simply not the case. While there were some similarities to the protests, the differences were significant enough to refute the imitative claim. Also, in many cases, Britain's students were more successful in attaining their goals than were students in other nations.
Keywords/Search Tags:Protests
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