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Posted on:2001-11-29Degree:M.F.AType:Thesis
University:California State University, Long BeachCandidate:Sorenson, James PatrickFull Text:PDF
Each poet makes decisions about his work regarding form, content, and esthetic philosophy which reflect the authors definition of poetry. This project report examines artistic choices of line break, diction, sound, form, and imitation. Through these choices the artist mirrors societal values and demonstrates his personal philosophy of poetry.;This project report is a culmination of my thirty-three years of living, reading and writing. It is also an investigation of the art of poetry and the art of living which I have undertaken. In this project report I have included some of the poetry which I have written in the M.F.A. program. It reflects the direction which I have taken as an artist. Both the introductory matter and the appendix are only a sentence in the larger definition of art, the role of an artist in society, and the goal of art, particularly poetry.
Keywords/Search Tags:Poetry, Art
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