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Gagauz syntax: An examination of relative clauses

Posted on:2001-11-02Degree:Ph.DType:Thesis
University:The University of Wisconsin - MadisonCandidate:Ulutas, IsmailFull Text:PDF
This thesis is a descriptional and analytical treatment of relative clauses as well as other subordinate clauses in Gagauz. A general information on the people and history of Gagauz, an outline of Gagauz sentence structure and a compilation of spoken language materials consist other parts of the thesis.;Gagauz, a Turkic language belonging the Oghuz branch, displays very unique characteristics in its relative and subordinate clause structure. It employs a finite postpositive relative clause constructing strategy as well as an infinite prepositive one. In its prepositive infinite relative clause constructions Gagauz uses participles which may be divided into two types: free and possessive participles. Free participles are used when the subject is targeted and they are free of possessive suffixes. Possessed participles are used when a constituent other than subject is targeted and they take possessive suffixes.;In its postpositive relative clause and subordinate clause structures Gagauz uses connectors (relative pronouns, complementizers, and subordinaters) and finite predicates. Gagauz with these structures appears to be shifting from Turkic type and getting closer to the Indo-European type. Surrounded by Indo-European languages Gagauz seems to have copied finite subordinate structures.;Even though both types of relative clause forming strategies exist in the language the finite postpositive type seems to have a wider use in Gagauz.
Keywords/Search Tags:Gagauz, Relative clause, Subordinate, Finite
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