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Intellectual responses to the establishment of Ikatan Cendekiawan Muslim Indonesia (ICMI), 1990-1995

Posted on:1998-02-24Degree:M.AType:Thesis
University:McGill University (Canada)Candidate:Mardatillah, FuadiFull Text:PDF
Following the creation of Ikatan Cendekiawan Muslim Indonesia ICMI, Indonesian Muslim Intellectual Association) on December 6, 1990, an event which had shaken the Indonesian political scene, discussion of the relation and affinity between Islam and the state once again came to the fore. The controversy surrounding ICMI's establishment revolved around two basic questions, namely, whether it was a political maneuver by the New Order government, or a true manifestation of the Muslim community's aspirations. The resulting situation prompted a large number of responses from people of various backgrounds. Support, opposition and neutrality towards ICMI arose during its five year existence (1990-1995). These responses took cognizance of the hidden motives behind the New Order's political support of the organization, as well as the government's new appreciation and accommodation of Islam and Muslim demands.;The present thesis will thus note, evaluate and analyze these responses in light of the specific context surrounding ICMI's establishment, as well as the numerous analyses extended by various political observers. The thesis will also seek to explain why ICMI became a phenomenon welcomed by most Indonesian Muslims.
Keywords/Search Tags:ICMI, Muslim, Responses, Indonesian, Establishment, Political
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